Friday, September 08, 2006

The Good the Bad the Ugly

Thought I would tell you about a couple of jobs that have happened over the last couple of days.

The Good. (good job)
I am sorry to say. It doesn't happen like it does on the TV series Baywatch ( if you remember that) or Casualty ( is that still on TV?) I am talking about peolple who suspend, (Stop breathing and their heart stops.) If you think that a few breaths into the mouth or jumping up and down on their chests cracking the ribs or even given them a belt of a million volts through the chest wall to the heart brings most people back to life after a few minutes, then I am afraid you are very mistaken. It just doesn't work like that.

The reality is that in London around 8% of people survive a VF arrest. (Which is a massive achievement for the LAS.) When I say survive, I mean they walk out of hospital. If you don't know what VF is then you should look it up. And less than 1% survive a complete cardiac arrest, (asystole. You better look that one up too). So to conclude, you would be bloody well lucky if we can get you back from an cardiac arrest.

But in saying that everyone of us could tell you of the few they got back from a cardiac arrest. Which makes the job well worthwhile.

The call I am supposed to be talking about now was an elderly male of around 75 ish in cardiac arrest. The son was performing CPR while waiting for an ambulance. When the crew arrived the paient was in VF, (look it up I said). One shock and back into to a normal rhythm. Just as they arrived at hospital the patient started to talk. As far as we know the patient was taken to the ward and is ok. With a bit of luck he might even walk out of hospital at a later date. Good eh!

The Bad (crap job)
Girl of 20 had her teeth cleaned yesterday. Today her gums started to bleed a bit. Not that gushing type of bleeding. It was that I can hardly see the blood type. She called an ambulance for that and wanted to go to hospital. You don't get seen quicker if you go in by ambulance if you wondered. Bloody some people eh!

The Ugly
My boss!


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