Thursday, November 30, 2006

How to replace a council lampost

Sorry not been on here for a while. If no bugger reads it then it doesn't matter I suppose.

We have a new Street Lampost outside our house now. Exciting Eh! You thought it would be quite straight forward job pulling out the old one and fitting a new one. Well in fact that's not the case. Its a very long complicated procedure carried out by the Local Council.

This is how they do it. I know cos I have been keeping a close eye on this wonder of council Lampost replacement method.
They turn up in a big lorry. Usually two workers on board. One gets out a big diamond metal cutter, starts it up. The other disconnects the power.They cut it about 4 feet from the ground. When they are almost through they hang on to it and give it a pull until it snaps off. They load it on their lorry and off they go.

Then the next night its dark outside your house because the lampost has gone. Then the next day and the next and the next. A few weeks later when your eyes have adjusted to the pitch black and you have tripped over the kerb a few dozen times the council arrive again and put in a new lampost. They don't pull up the remains of the old one and put it in the original hole, Oh no. They have a new hole team that make a new one about 4 feet away from the original.

You then expect the new light to work. No chance there. You have to look at the new one and the chopped one for a few months yet. The council switching on team and the pulling out the chopped off one must be on a long holiday cos its a long wait. I got excited one day as the wire man was doing things inside it for a while. But we still had to wait a couple more months.

It works now and the old one has been dug up and holes filled. I had forgotten how handy a lampost is. Easy eh! Told you it was a complicated business.