Thursday, August 31, 2006
Is it me? Or am i alone in my thoughts about ambulance blogs. i think i am. I will give you some tales about work when i can. I have been reading the usual "popular" blogs about ambulance work and i am sure they must be great to read for others but it reminds me too much of work. i have to yawn occasionally when i read them. Sorry about that. I suppose it would as i work for the ambulance service. I cant get into writing about the jobs i have had yet and how i made a difference or not. I just work there. I do a bloody good job and I get paid . We are not heros or angels . We just work there and do the job we are supposed to. Well most of us do.
Monday, August 28, 2006
You look well
When you meet up with a relative or a friend that you haven't seen for a long time and they say to you. "You look well ". What do they mean? Is it a polite way of saying " you are a bit fatter than last time I saw you ". Or you are more wrinkly than I remembered" Or do they really mean that you do look well. This of course could be the case. If they genuinely do think you look well then I think. What the hell did I look like before. Did I look Ill before.Did I walk or smile in a crooked way and now I am better and didn't know it. Mmmm I wonder eh!.
Why do cats do that
This one is about buggie. Our Cat. She has a habit of jumping out the front window, bouncing round to the back garden to the back door, jumping through the cat flap , walking through the house then doing it all again. We decicided that it must be fun for some reason so we both decided that Lynn had to have a go to see what all the fuss was about. She squeezed through the front window. It was a bit tight on her bum. Her bum its not big, its the the window that's a bit small. I heard the cat flap go and then Lynn appeared back in the front room. I think she cheated on the cat flap. I am sure she just came through the door. Her bum definatly would not fit through there. We are still not sure why the cat does it.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
here are some facts about iceland
- Dont eat or drink out there cos it costs a small fortune
- It rains most days
- Reykavik is the most northerly capital in the world
- the population is less than 300,000
- 60% of iceland was covered in trees. now its about 1 %. they chopped them down. oops. big mistake.
- its never hot. And its never well cold.
- Freindly people but some are a bit bossy. i.e. " you!, get on the bus. NOW!
- They all speak english
- The geothermal pools smell of eggs. Its a sulphar thing
- Rugged volcanic rock landscape with lots of water.
- A small mea for two in pizza hut will cost you about £ 35. I told you it was expensive
- Hot springs everywhere. supplies the island with hot water and electricity.
- Dont stand too close to the geysir. An average of 7 tourists a year get scalded.
- Iceland is on tectonic land plate. And is pulling itself apart
- its worth a visit so give it a go
Monday, August 21, 2006
Holidaying cat hidden at the post office.
We are Off to Iceland tomorrow. For a few days. Lynn wanted Rhodes. Don't know what happened there Think it was my fault. Whoops! She is starting to have those hot flushes women can get. So I thought Iceland would help cure her. Do they get them in Iceland? I will let you know.
And we now have a cat brush. Its Not for the hot flushes its for our moulting cat. I Was trying to feed the brush Kitecat this morning. I only noticed it wasn't the real thing because it wasnt meowing constantly while weaving in an out of my feet trying to trip me up.
And who moves stuff in the house so you cant find it eh! Its also a safe place thing. You put it in a safe place, then always forget where the safe place is but always remember the original place. So you then wish you put it in the original place and wonder why you ever moved it into a safe place. You did it because you thought the safe place would be better and easier to find. But you forget at the time that safe places disappear out of your head almost immediately.
Post offices. Close em all I say and give out the services to other shops. There are too many old people standing in long lines who have not quite got the hang of Bank cards ATM machines and the internet, so they do their business in the post office. Give em all free computers and internet explore lessons now. Now you even have to measure your bloody letters so as the right price stamp goes on it. You cant just write a letter and post it in a box. Oh no, you have to get it measured and weighed. They will be charging different amounts for different coloured envelopes next. Or if its a triangular flap or square flap to your envelope. Or more if you have to lick it or its self sticking. Close em All. Sorry about the rant but I had to go in there this morning GRRRRRRRR

Above. Its not a cat brush.Its a CAT!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Regular caller and bread
I just put a slice of gold premium thick slice bread in the toaster. No keep fresh for 365 days wrapped in a faux foil bag cheap bread for our ambulance station. Oh no. And the phone went for a call. CAT A red 2. Supposed to be serious is the rough definition of a Cat A red. Given as abnormal breathing ,on floor, cant get up. Well, my patient was sitting on bed breathing better than me. That might be because I smoke.
Same address as yesterday and probably the day before. She went to hospital yesterday. They don't keep you in long if they can help it do they? She did not want to travel today. Perhaps later she might.
I remember seeing a firms e-mail about this patient about a month ago. She has called 146 times since January 1st this year. Make that 148 now. Surely something can be done to help . But what! She may be refusing help.
Anyway I am back on station now. Rob just walked out in the garage with hot teas on a tray for us all. Very civilized I say. Lovely
Same address as yesterday and probably the day before. She went to hospital yesterday. They don't keep you in long if they can help it do they? She did not want to travel today. Perhaps later she might.
I remember seeing a firms e-mail about this patient about a month ago. She has called 146 times since January 1st this year. Make that 148 now. Surely something can be done to help . But what! She may be refusing help.
Anyway I am back on station now. Rob just walked out in the garage with hot teas on a tray for us all. Very civilized I say. Lovely
Times times times!
I have just noticed that the firm (London Ambulance Service ) Known as LAS for short has a new category included on its performance figures called "revised clock start cat A". Let me try to explain a bit more about this performance beast. The ambulance services performance is mainly measured on the time that it takes to get to the call. The goal is to get to 75 % of CAT A calls within 8 mins. If we achieve this then we get the funding from the Health authorities. If we don't then there is trouble on the Horizon for the firm. It is presently running at 77 %, which is cool. But the goal posts are moving again. The clock starts ticking when the address of the patient is received, but soon it will start when the call is transferred to the LAS control from British telecom. So that's what I think the revised clock time is all about. The performance percentage would be around 55% when the new system comes into play. Oops. That means that we are in trouble again.
And over 25 feet is the world record for a sunflower. I am half way there with ours.
And over 25 feet is the world record for a sunflower. I am half way there with ours.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Back to work today GRR!
I am at work today. 7 a.m. start until 1900 finish. I am on an RRU ( that's one of those fast response Orcon busting ambulance cars ) today. I have to have at least 3 cups of tea before I can even wake up in the morning. As the minutes ticked by my colleagues started to drift in. I said morning to Big H ( alias of course ) as he strolled through the door. He said hello, then went straight to his post tray pulling out a small slip of paper. He spoke out." Huh, another days annual leave that I have requested has been refused. I feel a sickie coming on ". I think there was also a swear word or two in there somewhere to0.
First job 7.10. And he was ill. Has to have been LVF. I wont go in to details about every job during every day as I am sure it may get a bit boring to read. I will just pick out bits for you to keep your interest up if I can. I think its a sunflower thing. Anyway,does anyone out there know how big they can grow.
Ooo. I forgot to mention. We are both off together next week. YAY! We are going on holiday only for a few days to Iceland. Yep ,that's Iceland.
First job 7.10. And he was ill. Has to have been LVF. I wont go in to details about every job during every day as I am sure it may get a bit boring to read. I will just pick out bits for you to keep your interest up if I can. I think its a sunflower thing. Anyway,does anyone out there know how big they can grow.
Ooo. I forgot to mention. We are both off together next week. YAY! We are going on holiday only for a few days to Iceland. Yep ,that's Iceland.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Day of the Sunflowers

No one told me they grew that big ! 11 feet 4 inches. I will keep you posted of future growth of course
The a picture above is the bottom of my garden. Thought i would include it as we are well proud of them. Thats what happens when you get a bit old. Things like gardens and sprouting forna get you a little bit excited. From little sun flowers big sunflowers grow
That CAT!
Yea. That bloody cat. I am sure I can feel fur on my face as it floats around this room. Bloody cat hairs! In The CAT Bowls, Attached to every corner of furniture, My Socks, My work trousers. Grrrr. The cat should be bald, but its not. She still looks as if she has tons of that fur left. And why is the cat hair still there on my socks after they have spent 30 minutes in the washing machine and half a day on the washing line. Can someone sort that out please.
I am getting off this pooter now, will tell you more later.
I am getting off this pooter now, will tell you more later.